
Quitters' Day

Quitters' Day....

Studies have found that there is a particular day that we quit. Whether it’s a new diet, an exercise regime or another new healthy habit. This day is the 19th. The 19th day after you start. Most data looks at 19th of January as the biggest quitters' day. This is when your enthusiasm starts to fade. You’ve not yet seen results, so you think, what’s the point in continuing. Do you realise how close that is to actually forming a habit? Research says that it takes 21 days to form a habit....

Now let’s talk about the BRAIN and in particular NEUROPLASTICITY. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. It’s like the brain’s way of adapting and learning, allowing it to change and rewire in response to experiences, activities and even injuries. So, basically, it’s the brain’s flexibility and capacity to evolve over time. That’s so fascinating!

How do we make sure we're not part of this particular statistic?
Be intentional.
Take small steps each day.
These small steps help the rewiring, the reenergising and creating and cementing the habit you want to keep, or the dream you want to go for.

Let’s talk about CONFIDENCE.  This is what you need to push through the hard moments. The moments you feel like giving up. Confidence is built in fear and failure, not success.

Now, consistency. This is so important. This is a huge part of the habit-forming formula. It’s also important to understand that you’re human, and not a robot. You may get busy and miss a day in the gym. You may say yes to that piece of cake. You might not feel up to working on your new business for a day. The key here is to not throw the towel in. Give yourself that day. Then start again the next day. One day isn’t enough for your brain to forget your progress.

Is there something burning inside of you? Something you’ve always wanted to do, but it’s never felt like the right time. You’re not prepared enough. You’re scared of making a fool of yourself or failing? Well do it anyway! Do it scared. Dig deep to find that courage. Challenge yourself, as this helps in creating new neural connections in the brain.

What an exciting time we live in. So many opportunities out there – are you feeling the push to improve your life to claim what you deserve?


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